
The Importance of Healthy Living

Americans face a number of health challenges today.

+ More than 800,000 Americans die each year from cardiovascular disease and strokes (Centers for Disease Control).

+ Two-thirds of adults and one-third of children are obese (The Journal of the American Medical Association, 2010).

+ 25.8 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes (American Diabetes Association, 2011).

So how can they live healthier lifestyles? Eating a healthy diet is a start, though that can be easier said than done. Fruits and vegetables provide proven benefits such as improved cardiovascular wellness, immune system support and reduction of systematic inflammation, as well as oxidative stress. However, many of us struggle to get full servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

2 out of 3


Two out of every three people surveyed don’t eat more than two servings of vegetables per day (Mintel Group Ltd., 2012).

7% of people


Seven percent of people don’t eat any daily vegetable servings, and 14 percent say they don’t eat any fruit servings (Mintel Group Ltd., 2012).

And that’s where Juice Plus+ and our independent representatives come in. Juice Plus+ helps bridge the nutritional gap between what we should eat and what we actually do eat, delivering 30 fruits, vegetables, grains and berries in a convenient capsule or chewable form. Additionally, our Tower Garden products provide an easy way to grow fruits and vegetables at home.

The Growing Health Industry

The time is right to start a business in the health and wellness industry. The media and the public are focusing increased attention on health and nutrition, telling the story of the importance of eating healthy with fruits and vegetables. Here are just a few examples:

  • The Centers for Disease Control emphasizes how important fruits and vegetables are to overall body health

  • The Mayo Clinic shares The American Heart Association and the American College of Cardiologists guidelines for preventing obesity and heart disease, including emphasis on vegetables fruits and whole grains

  • Forbes highlighted that Americans continue to underspend on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains based on a recent report from the U.S Department of Agriculture

  • Medical News Today emphasized the importance of a heart healthy diet for cardiovascular disease prevention, as heart disease leads to 17 million deaths per year

  • The Wall Street Journal revealed a USDA study that suggests American's eating habits may be taking a more healthful turn; however, also highlighted that obesity and health risks still exist

  • The USDA revamped the traditional food pyramid into an easy to understand plate graphic called MyPlate, showing that half of a person’s plate at every meal should consist of fruits and vegetables

Put yourself at the forefront of this profitable, growing industry with a Juice Plus+ Virtual Franchise. Ready to launch your Virtual Franchise?